A Bunch of Rich Moscow Celebrities Including 'Putin's Goddaughter' Threw an 'Almost Naked'-Themed Rager With a War Going On. And Russians Have a Problem With it Somehow.

I learned an interesting fact the other day that sort of puts human nature into very, very unfortunate perspective. And it is this. In the last 3,500 years of human civilization, the world has been at peace for all of 230 years of it. That's less than 6.6% of what we'll loosely define as recorded history.
So it's safe to say that war is our natural order of things. I mean, there's not many things our species is up to 93.4% of the time. So by any statistical standard, you can argue war isn't in our nature. Depressing though that realization should be. So with Russia's bloody, costly, devastating, invasion of Ukraine now in it's 22nd month with no end to be seen anywhere, some Moscovites decided to get on with their lives. And since this particular group are super well-connected oligarchs, it should should surprise no one that the lives they got back to are ones of privilege and debauchery. Which, all things considered, didn't go over well:
Source - Russian war fanatics are enraged over an 'almost naked' party staged in Moscow by wealthy showbiz celebrities including Vladimir Putin's 'goddaughter'.
The 'debauched' gathering was likened to Sodom and Gomorrah by critics claiming the antics of the wealthy stars insulted those on the frontline in the Kremlin's illegal war against Ukraine.
Among the most visible guests was a pregnant and braless Ksenia Sobchak, 40, a TV presenter and 'liberal' Russian presidential candidate in 2018, in a nude-coloured Sorelle outfit.
She is known as Putin's goddaughter after he attended her baptism and viewed her late father Anatoly Sobchak as his political mentor.
The outpouring of fury had led to the high society party being reported to prosecutors who will now check it for illegality, according to reports.
Frothing TV propagandist Vladimir Solovyov stormed: 'How morally deaf do you have to be?
'Our boys are now fighting at the front. To what extent should you understand nothing at all about the country, about Putin? …
'You cannot even imagine how people hate and despise you.' …
The party - dress code 'almost naked' - was arranged by fashionable blogger and socialite Nastya Ivleeva, 32, a TV presenter and actress.
She boasted that she wore £200,000 diamonds and emeralds on her 'skinny' backside.
'Decided not to overdo the look with the accessories and that a diamond worth 23 million [roubles] on the bum would be enough.'
Gee whiz. Lighten up, Vlad. And now prosecutors might charge them criminally? Way to kill the buzz. I mean, all Ivleeva was doing was putting the "Nasty" in Nastya:
And can we at least give her credit where credit is due for dialing it down a bit. She recognized that in war time, anything more than £200,000 worth of diamonds and a 23 million rubles stone on her "bum" would've been overkill. She kept it simple. For the troops. Like a true hero of Mother Russia. At Stalingrad, the ladies of The Flying Witches used to cut their plane motors as they approached the German lines to drop their bombs, and had the Nazi bastards scheissing in their unterhose and helped achieved a glorious victory. Now Nasty-a is doing her part for this war effort by dialing back the sexy a few degrees. So get off her skinny backside, already.
As for Ksenia Sobchak, what's the point of having a supremely powerful authoritarian ruler at your Christening if you can't shake your pregnant booty in a see through dress 40 years later? Do you think the godson that was getting baptized when Michael Corleone was settling all family business had to grow up to obey the rules of polite society? That's the whole reason to want to be married into a well-connected family. Otherwise you might as well be just another peasant nobody.
So back off, Russians. What do you want, smokes like these to be sitting home reading Dostoevsky until the war is over? That's not how we do things over here, I can tell you that. There's a famous clip of Bob Hope doing a Christmas show for USO overseas where he trotted out some starlets for the boys to ogle and said, "I just wanted to remind you guys of what you're fighting for." Personally, I've either forgotten or never understood what the Russian troops are fighting for. But there's got to be some on the front lines who'll get a moral boost out of knowing they're fighting for rich skanks back on the homefront to ostentatiously flaunt their wealth.
Now if you'll excuse me, I have to get ready for an Ugly Sweater Party and contemplate how boring and plain my life is. Peace.