Only the Falcons Could Complete a Hail Mary and Still Lose

Ohhhhhh boy, that's the good stuff. That's some elite Falcons Shit™️ right there.

Score with 3:23 left to take the lead. Have the defense play just well enough to force the Buccaneers to run 12 plays but still let them score to give yourself just 31 seconds down four points — after missing two field goals earlier and not going for two another time when you should have. And then get the ball into position to have a real chance at a game-winner and complete the pass at the 3-yard line. Beautiful.

The Bucs, Falcons and Saints now all have identical 6-7 records, though Tampa Bay currently has the tiebreaker for the 2023 NFC South Sweepstakes. Find me another division in football with drama this good. You can't.