This Guy Who Made Shrimp and Mashed Potatoes in the Bathroom of a Commercial Flight Needs to Receive a Life Sentence

Look, I've called for dozens of people to be jailed for various offenses over the years on this website. But never have I been more dead-ass serious than I am about this freakshow and psychopath traversing the skies on commercial airliners. This man's next flight needs to be a one-way ticket to Guantanamo Bay.

I don't even know what to say about this insanity. What the fuck is wrong with you, pal? Look at this!!!

I'd much rather sit next to two people actively having sex in their seats than next to this guy shoveling bathroom mashed potatoes into his mouth with his bare hands.

This is an open and shut case. We have the video of this criminally insane man wreaking havoc on the rest of society and laughing his ass off while doing it. If this isn't what the legal system is meant to put a stop to, I don't know what is. If this guy and another criminal were running from the cops and they could only catch one guy, there are only like five crimes the other guy could have committed that would make me pick him over this lunatic.

There are no rules in society anymore. You can do the most batshit insane stuff in the world and put it on TikTok with a smile on your face. We are a rudderless ship drifting further and further into the abyss.