Russell Westbrook Getting Into It With A Heckler On His Home Court Is Further Proof That LA Doesn't Deserve Sports Teams

Russell Westbrook is no stranger to getting into...spirited debates with fans at NBA games. Plenty of athletes have the ability to block out all the distractions around them and solely focus on the game. Russell Westbrook isn't one of them. He sees the fans, he hears the fans, he interacts with the fans. Like that time he was dealing with a heckler in Philly giving him the ol' double bird salute. 

But those moments typically happen when Russell Westbrook is on the road. Which is to be expected considering the fans in those buildings are rooting against him. They'll be saying whatever shit pops into their mind to try to throw him off his game. That's pretty much been the way that sports fandom has worked since the dawn of time. 

Los Angeles, apparently, never got the memo. 

Now I've never been to LA myself. So I can't speak too much on the city from personal experience, but just an outsider's perspective. That place fucking sucks. Filled with the worst brand of human beings imaginable. They are soulless, characterless creatures who don't actually give a shit about anything at all. They're the polar opposite of what you'd want out of a sports fan. Which is why it blows my mind that they have 2 NBA teams, 2 NFL, 2 MLB teams, and 2 NHL teams if you want to count the Ducks. 

Obviously this guy heckling Russell Westbrook is a piece of shit. But the bigger pieces of shit are all the people sitting there and doing nothing about it. It doesn't matter what was said or what wasn't said. 

The fact of the matter is that a player on the home team is getting into it with a fan, and there's literally nobody who even tries to shut that jackass up. Because that's what LA is all about. People who don't give a shit and won't do anything that doesn't directly impact themselves. 

Pittsburgh could use an NBA team. Baltimore could use an NBA team outside of the Wizards. Kansas City could use an NBA team. Nashville could use an NBA team. It just doesn't make sense why the worst city in America has the most teams when they clearly don't care about it. 
