I Don't Care Who You Are, That's Just Some Good Parenting Right There

As a parent, you have a few major goals to achieve. You want to keep your kids safe, you want to give them great experiences, you want to prepare them for life on their own, and most importantly...you want to make sure they don't grow up to be a bunch of little bitches. I'll be honest--most of America is doing a pretty dog shit job at that last part. 

Luckily Philly is here to save the day, however. When the world needs us the most, Philly parents are here to step up and raise a bunch of bad ass little kids. This little fella right here gets it, and he gives me a tremendous amount of hope for the next generation. Flawless execution on that flip of the bird. Smooth as could be. I'm sure some of that is just natural talent, but you can tell it ain't his first time. 

Boys will be boys. Dudes will be dudes. Ain't nothing wrong with that one bit. And if anybody out there has an issue with it, then they're a part of the problem. But you can tell from this dad's laughter behind the camera that he's never been more proud of his boy. And I think that's a beautiful moment right there. 
