Jim Irsay is Now Threatening to Sue First Take, "If my Black Mother Dorthy was still alive..you’d be in some big Hot Water!"

You never know when you're going to have a Jim Irsay day on the blog. That's the fun thing about being a Colts fan. Irsay can strike at any moment. Sometimes it's when you least suspect it. This morning I woke up on vacation in sunny San Jose, California. I got my morning coffee and sat out on the porch to watch the hummingbirds. Naturally, I got bored of watching the birds in about 10 seconds and opened Twitter. To my surprise I was sent a video of Jim Irsay telling the world that the police have discriminated against him as a white billionaire. 

White Billionaires now join MLB Umpires at the top of most persecuted classes in America who I didn't know existed.

Naturally the internet took exception to Irsay's discrimination claim. The persecuted rich white billionaire class doesn't get much sympathy in this country. And is especially doesn't get sympathy from Stephen A. Smith and First Take.

(sorry I'm not sure why that video turns into a screenshot of a person playing pool on his phone, but you see the Stephen A. Smith/First Take part)

Stephen A. Smith makes some fair points. But no matter how wildly detached from reality Irsay's most recent statements are, he's going to do everything in his power to back them up. Even if that means tweeting out a picture of himself with a former player who kinda looks like he's in a hostage situation.

Classic wrong place wrong time for Edgerrin. You think you're going to Spain to have a nice private vacation with a multi-billionaire who's going to pay for everything and get you into some really fancy places. The next minute that very billionaire's face is all over the internet crying billionaire discrimination, and now he's asking you for a selfie to prove to Stephen A. Smith that he's not racist.That's the thing about Jim Irsay. No matter how right you are, if you take a swing a the guy, he's going to swing back in a hilarious way. You want to accuse Jim Irsay of being on drugs? BOOM!! Get sued, bitch. You wanna say Jim Irsay is out of touch with the world around him? BOOM!! Here's a picture of Jim with a black guy.

Then for good measure, he's going read you his family history. A history that includes Ellis Island, the Holocaust, a car crash in 1971, and Jim Irsay's Black Mother Dorthy, who I am DYING to learn more about. Along with a bunch of emojis. 

Jim Irsay has this amazing ability to inch right up to the "being cancelled" line, but never quite crossing over it. I'm not sure how he's managed to do it. The man has had a rough past, but never quite did anything that I don't feel comfortable joking about. Honestly, I'm not sure how long he can keep it up. He might not last through the rest of the day. I'm pretty sure he's not done tweeting yet. Any minute now something could come across my desk that takes the joke of being Team Irsay completely off the table. Fingers crossed that day never comes.