LITERAL FLIGHT FROM HELL: Frontier Airline Passenger Allegedly Possessed By Devil, "Jesus Christ Is The Way To Proving The Light"

The term "flight from hell" is thrown around a lot at Barstool. There's roughly one "flight from hell" blog posted every day on this site. But if there was ever an appropriate time to use the overly cliche, "flight from hell" it's to describe this video.

A couple minutes into the video, I wasn't sure if I should blog it. Not that Screaming Woman #1's public freakout wasn't sufficiently hellish enough. But I actually felt bad. She's clearly having a problem. I don't know if she took the wrong combination of Ambien and airport liquor, or if maybe she just has severe mental issues. I didn't just want to put someone with severe mental issues on the blog. That's not what we do at Barstool.

But Screaming Woman #2 came over the top and left me no choice. Thankfully, she was able clarify things for us. Screaming Woman #1 was clearly possessed by a devil. Flight from hell. That's something worth blogging

I did you the favor of transcribing Screaming Woman #2's, "the devil is going to kill you all" rant. I did my best at least. She was a little tough to hear at times, but I think I was able to get her point across.

Screaming Woman #2 - "This didn't happen for no reason. This is evidence that there is a real devil that wants to kill each and everyone of y'all, including your family members. That's not her. She's possessed. And I'm sorry to say it like that. I'm telling you right now, Jesus Christ is the way to proving the light. And there's nobody who's gonna come for god the father without Jesus Christ. And I'm telling you right now (???) and peace is the only thing y'all need…. in the name of Jesus, in the name of (???) …  …. who doesn't have a relationship with Jesus Christ …. all hell is about to break loose if y'all don't have a relationship with Jesus Christ.

If I'm a passenger on that flight, I'd have to consider getting off the plane and cancelling my trip all together. I'm taking a cross country flight to California this evening. I'm telling you right now, if the woman sitting next to me gets possessed by a devil, I'm gone. Thanksgiving is cancelled. I'll try again next year.

And if I'm on the fence, I promise you once Screaming Lady #3 comes in, I'm out of there.

Screaming Woman #3: You crazy? C'mon, I'll be crazy right along with ya

No thank you. I'm out of there. Once passengers start challenging other passengers to crazy-off's, it's time to get off the flight. I'm not interested in being a part of crazy-off in any capacity. People die from crazy-offs every day. Not me. I'm Facetime my family on Thanksgiving instead. They'll understand.