It’s Plays Like This That Are Making CJ Stroud The Best Story Of The Season

Just a fantastic play. Avoid the sack, move out of the pocket and hit Dell on a dime to make it two scores. 

I’ll be honest I didn’t have a horse in the race or a single real reason to root for CJ Stroud coming into the season. Didn’t love him or hate him was just another guy but somehow someway I have now got myself as the leader of the bandwagon as I have gone so far to say that if GM’s were presented with who would give them a better chance to win in the playoffs, it would be Stroud over Allen and it’s not even close. 

Maybe I shouldn’t have been so brash because the argument may not get settled as the shitbag Bills are so bad they may not make the playoffs, where the Texans will. Is what it is. 

Forget the Rookie Of The Year award, Stroud should very much be getting MVP votes, and I think you can make a case he can win it. 

Time will tell on the MVP votes, as the deck is massive stacked against him. The last rookie QB to even get an MVP vote was Dan Marino in 1983. 

Either way, the Texans are a fun story this year and Stroud is the main reason. Just an absolute delight of a storyline to watch this season and something anyone with a brain should be rooting for.