This Preposterous Story About Oreos From The Making Of RoboCop Is The Best Thing I Have Watched In 2023

I'm gonna start off the blog by coming clean and admitting something that will probably piss off a lot of people around my age. I've never seen RoboCop. I knew it was an absolute smash hit back when I was growing up in the 80s. But it was one of those movies that just never made its way to my TV when I was a kid and I never felt the need to watch it as an adult, partially because of how ridiculous he looked when he went on a WCW show, which was the poor person wrestling company when I was growing up that only people like Chaps would watch.

Despite all that, I can PROMISE you there is nothing better in the 103 minute runtime of RoboCop that is more entertaining than the 58 second story posted by fellow basement boys BasementBros69 from RoboDoc: The Creation Of RoboCop (which I just learned you can watch on Prime).

If the story had ended after the "Robo wants an Oreo" line followed by Randy eating a stack of Oreos like an absolute savage, we would have a classic quote that could live on forever between friends in basements and group texts. But having *looks up who played RoboCop on IMDB* Peter Weller finish things off by swearing that everything Randy said was bullshit is the true crème de la crème of this video that had me blowing a chef's kiss to my phone as I was watching it after Robbie Fox sent this piece of cinema to me early this morning. You know I'm serious about something when I actually copy and paste the term crème de la crème to make sure it is spelt correctly with the accents in the right places.

I honestly could go on for another paragraph or two about how much I love those 58 seconds of content gold, which side of the story I believe, or if shoving 8 Oreos in your mouth at one time is even feasible (let's all agree that we are talking regular Oreos because there's no way any regular human could shove 8 Double Stufs in their mouth, even though Double Stufs have shockingly been around since 1974). But my pal OMGLX absolutely nailed everything about that story in one succinct xweet.

Giphy Images.

One movie I DID watch was The Marvels, mostly because we review every MCU movie on My Mom's Basement. I'm not sure if it's better or worse than RoboCop, but it didn't suck! It was by no means good, but it wasn't garbage, which honestly feels like a win after Secret Invasion. We discussed the movie, and much more importantly the post credits scenes on today's MMB. So check it out below and get me some Double Stufs because Clem wants an Oreo!