We May Have A National Disaster On Our Hands If Oreos Are Skimping On The Cream

NY Post- Oreo fans believe they’ve uncovered the latest and biggest scandal yet in “shrinkflation” — claiming that the creme-to-cookie ratio has been quietly shrinking in their favorite snack.

Louisiana resident Shane Ransonet told The Wall Street Journal that he and his wife, Christine, recently purchased a package of Oreos and noticed that the twin wafer cookies were sandwiched with just a thin smear of creme.

The couple thought they may have picked up a faulty package and decided to test Double Stuf Oreos this fall, which they usually bypass for having far too much filling.

When they pulled a Double Stuf Oreo out of the package, Ransonet said he recognized it immediately.

“Here we go, that’s the regular Oreo,” Ransonet, 47, told his wife, according to The Journal.

Mondelez — the Chicago-based maker of the popular cookie sandwich — told The Journal that it’s tried a number of strategies recently to offset the rising costs of cocoa and sugar, such as offering fewer discounts and shrinking package sizes. But the company denied skimping on the creme filling.

I get recessions. I get financial crisis. I get that companies have costs and need to maximize profits. I get all of that. I respect that the rich stay rich, and I stay poor. I also want to live in a society that stands for something, that has morals, and that doesn't change things that are the backbone of what this country stands on.

One of those things that this country was founded on, besides freedom, hard work, and free speech was the fact that when a red blooded American opens up a pack of Double Stuf Oreos they can trust that they are in fact DOUBLE STUF OREOS. What kind of fucking scam job is this shit if we're not only making regular Oreos with less filling, we're essentially removing Double Stuf Oreos from the equation completely? I refuse to live in this society. What the hell is going on here? This is complete and total bullshit. Of course Mondelez is saying they aren't skimping on the cream. They still want us to believe in all their other urban myths too. Like not swimming after you eat and that turning your cell phone off on a plane matters during landing. 

This is a line in the sand moment here folks. I'm warning you. First they take away Double Stuf Oreos, then they make Large Fries into Medium, and then the worst of worst ... they change the 99 cent Arizona Iced Tea 23 oz. can to more than 99 cents. This is where it starts, if we don't say something now and bring awareness they will start steamrolling all of our favorite things. I'm telling you rise up now while we can.