An USAF Officer Describes a Square UFO the Size of a Football Field Hovering Over the Very Base Where SpaceX Now Launches Rockets

David Wall. Getty Images.

Whether you're one of those people who takes your duties as a citizen seriously enough to report for jury duty, or simply don't know some hack in the court system who can get you out of it, then you might have experienced the judge giving you instructions about what the legal definition of "proof" is. 

Specifically, they'll read to you a text about reasonable doubt. And how that doesn't mean proof beyond all possible doubt, because all human endeavors involve some degree of doubt. Essentially, they tell you without telling you that most trials come down to the testimony of witnesses, and that's all the evidence you get. Which tends to come as a surprise to people used to seeing crime procedurals where the quirky bunch of lovable misfits in the lab find some fiber at the crime scene that points directly to the perp who did the deed. So it falls upon you and the other people who couldn't weasel out of getting sat on the jury to decide who you believe and who you think is either mistaken, doesn't remember correctly, is completely full of shit, or just plain crazy. 

That same dynamic applies to much of the UFO/UAP phenomenon. Yes, we have been shown some tangible evidence. Most notably the Tic Tac UFO off the coast of San Diego:

Giphy Images.

But the vast majority of the evidence we have to rely on is the testimony of witnesses. And it's up to us to judge them on their credibility on a case-by-case basis. Take, as just the latest example in a long line of experiencers who have come forward in the past few years, former United States Air Force officer Jeff Nuccetelli. Listen to any portion of this 6 1/2 minute portion of a much longer conversation he had with former Navy pilot and UFO eyewitness Ryan Graves and tell me you think he's either wrong, forgetful, lying, or just not right in the head:

Here's what he had to say:

Source -  Twenty years ago this October, military contractors working for Boeing reported 'a gigantic floating red square' UFO — over 100 yards long — hovering in the morning air over a launch site at Vandenberg Air Force Base in California.

The eerie 2003 event first exploded into public view this July, in sworn testimony before Congress, but now an ex-US Air Force security officer has come forward to detail his official, rapid-response investigation into the UFO on the day it occurred.

'This is not a joke,' ex-USAF senior patrolman, Jeff Nuccetelli, told the Merged podcast Tuesday. 'These are contractors with top secret clearances.' 

Nuccetelli also revealed a second reported encounter with the 'red square,' in which two of his fellow USAF police patrol officers 'got buzzed by the UFO.'

'When I showed up, it's just mayhem,' as Nuccetelli recalled it. 'Everybody's excited. They're scared. Everyone's freaked out.' 

'I'm getting ready to jump in the car,' Nuccetelli told Merged host, retired US Navy fighter pilot Lt. Ryan Graves, 'and then all hell breaks loose and they start screaming over the radio, 'It's coming right at us. It's coming right for us. Now it's right here.''

'It was hard to hear,' the former USAF patrol officer said, 'because they were screaming and they were scared.' 

This never-before-public second sighting, which Nuccetelli said he recorded in a police blotter with copies still in his possession, took place above Vandenberg AFB's Space Launch Complex 4, which is leased today by Elon Musk's SpaceX.

The veteran Air Force security official told that podcast that he had high confidence in the half a dozen fellow USAF police who witnessed the giant red UFO's flyby. 

'These guys are trained observers,' Nuccetelli emphasized. …

'I talk to everybody,' he recalled. 'Basically what they described was this object came in, was moving strangely, erratically. It got bigger and brighter as it came in.' 

'Then it came at a high rate of speed and flew right up to the entry control point, and stopped. And they all stared at it. And it just shot off.'

I respect good, healthy skepticism. But you can listen to a rational, intelligent, highly competent USAF security officer calmly describe these events and think he's lying, I'll politely offer that your skepticism is neither good nor healthy. 

Once again I have to point out that this testimony is coming from the best this country produces. Nuccetelli isn't some unsophisticated hayseed seeing lights in the sky after downing a pint of Southern Comfort while hunting squirrels with his hound. He's a man who had been given the task of overseeing security at one of our most important military facilities. The people he was in charge of, whose statements he took, had top secret clearance. If you we don't trust that they saw a 100-yard wide UFO hovering over Vandenberg AFB, or think it was just Jupiter or a weather balloon or whatever, then you have to assume we've got much bigger problems than giant red squares flying at will around our most sensitive installations. 

I still don't trust the government to come clean on all this. Not now, probably not ever. But I trust the Nuccetellis and Graves of this world implicitly. And their testimony is worth all the congressional hearings and all the grainy videos in the world.