If This Man Shows Up To Your Gym, You Are About To Get Alpha'd Off Of Every Piece Of Equipment

There's a pecking order at every gym in America. There's levels to this shit. You have your folks who are just starting to workout for the first time, you have your sporadic drop-ins, your casuals who go every day either before or after work, and then finally you have your meat heads. These dudes live in there, take up like 5 machines at once, banging plates all over the place, a quick steroid injection in the bathroom, and leave a trail of chalk behind them everywhere they go.

The pecking order is pretty well established. Nobody even really needs to say anything, it's just understood. But every so often, a man like this shows up to the gym on a guest pass, and all hell breaks loose. 

You see this man come into your gym and that ecosystem is completely shattered. There's a new top dog in town, and he's going to run through that place like a hurricane. 

He'll go from machine to machine doing the most random variations of sets and reps. Whatever exercise this man wants, he's going to get. You see him coming your way, you better get off the tracks as soon as possible. There's no "how many more sets do you have" or "mind if I jump in here with you". If he wants a machine, he will take a machine and everything that comes along with it. Complete alpha shit right here. 

Sidenote: Really the same thing can apply to anybody who shows up to the gym in a Slayer shirt.  
