Heartless Southwest Airlines Flight Crew Kicks Woman Off Plane For Petting Her Scared Puppy

Daily Mail - Southwest Airlines staff kicked a woman off a flight when her newborn puppy whined in its carrier and she petted the pup from the outside to comfort it.

A video posted last week showed the new pet owner being escorted off the flight from Colorado Springs to California after she got into arguments with flight attendants for touching the puppy.

All of America agrees that crying children on airplanes must be stopped by any means necessary. If a child so much as makes a peep on a plane, and the parent refuses to silence them with a switch Adrian Peterson-style, I want the sassiest flight attendant on the board to pick the child up by the pants, walk them to the front of the plane, and punt them out the front gate like a bouncer in a movie kicking an underage kid out of a bar. 

But if a flight attendant so much as looks at a puppy the wrong way, they deserve to be fired from their job and banned from setting foot on an airplane ever again. Because the thing about dogs is that they're more important than humans. I'm pretty sure that's the take you're supposed to have on the internet.

The thing about airlines is that they should be shamed at every possible turn. It's the only way we can fight back. Big Plane has us eating out of the palm of their hand. We rely on their services to live our lives. Even though 90% of the time flights take off and land right on schedule, that one time Delta Airlines made me sit on the runway for 90 minutes before takeoff, then at baggage claim for another 2 hours after landing, means I will remain angry the entire industry and use every opportunity I can to use my platform to bash them online.

Regardless of what actually happened on this flight, this story gives us the opportunity to write a headline that equates a major airline to puppy hating monsters. The worst thing you can be on the internet.

Sara Price, another passenger who posted a video on TikTok, said that Sitka, the eight-week-old dog, was softly wining and its unnamed owner gave it a pet from outside its carrier. 

According to People, the woman was told 'that carrier has to be zipped all the way, and the dog has to be under the seat,' which were rules that she followed. 

The carrier was zipped all the way, and she was just petting her pup from the mesh outside, according to Sara.  

Sara said in her video caption: 'The puppy was whining a little and the flight attendant boarding everyone walked up to her and said "if your [dog] doesn't be quiet, you may not be able to fly". She sticks her hand in the soft carrier and pets the puppy. It stopped whining.

'We board the plane and she has the carrier in her lap still petting the puppy when the same flight attendant came up and said the carrier needed to be zipped completely and put under the seat. 

'Everyone around us was like "what's going on here!?."'

Sara said that the dog gave a 'soft whine' - so the woman 'leaned over and started petting it from the outside of the carrier but right at mesh'.

She added: 'All the attendants got in a group at the front of the plane and decided we needed to return to the gate and that she should be removed from the flight.' 

How absolutely fucking dare you Southwest Airlines. There's not a harsh enough punishment in the world for these soulless heathens. Shame on you Southwest. Shame.

Now is it possible that this dog was actually much louder than we're being led to believe? Very much so. Is it also possible that there were multiple passengers complaining, and that we're not getting the full story? Absolutely. But that's not what the NY Post says. That's not what gets clicks. The NY Post says this plane full of hero passengers had zero qualms with the faintly whining puppy underneath the seat, and that these devil worshiping flight attendants were frothing out the mouth with rage at the sheer sight of a puppy. They were going to come up with any possible reason to kick that sweet baby angel off the plane. And when they finally be rid of the disgusting beast, they high fived each other in the front of the plane and snorted cocaine off the beverage cart in celebration. 

A handful of other passengers also got off the plane in protest, it was reported.

Sara and her husband had their tickets refunded, but the dog owner did not. 

Southwest said in a statement: 'We're aware of the videos and our initial reports indicate that the customer would not comply with keeping her dog's kennel closed, which is our policy.

'Our employees are trained to ensure customers are following protocol, and in this situation and after the customer repeatedly refused to comply with our crew's instructions, the decision was made to deplane the disruptive passenger.'

One person, after watching the video, said to Sara: 'Thank you for standing up for her.' 

Another said: 'I would want to pet my dog and check on them and make sure they are OK.'  

Or something like that. Who cares what Southwest says. They're the enemy, and we won't let facts get in the way of a good shaming.