Jerry Jeudy Admitted He Lost His Mind Around Steve Smith Because He Eviscerated Him On TV And Didn't Apologize For Speaking Bad About Him

[Source] - "I'm just going to go ahead and clear the air," Jeudy told reporters Thursday. "This is my last time talking about it. If he came to apologize to me, I would have understood that and I would have listened to what he had to say. Where I'm from, if someone talks bad about you, you don't go to them in person and try to act friendly to them like you ain't just talk bad about him. 

"I don't got no hate toward Steve Smith. You know, he's a good player and all the stuff like that. I just stand on what I stand on, you feel me? If you feel some type of way, keep that same energy when you see me in person. I don't got nothing against him or anything. That's just how I feel and that's just what it is. If I would have known he would have apologized, of course I would have reacted different. At the same time, I know someone's talking bad about me and I told him what it is and moved on from there. He wanted to take it to the media and stuff and make it bigger than what it needed to be. At the end of the day, that's just what it is." 

I know Jerry Jeudy wants an apology, but you're not winning this argument against Steve Smith. Hell you're not winning any argument against Steve Smith. He was a better receiver than you, he might be a lunatic and well, he's right. Jerry Jeudy has been just a guy in the league. He's not an elite wide receiver like he was drafted to be. Sure, Jeudy is right that some of that is because Russell Wilson sucks and the Broncos offense is a mess: 

You may remember this from a week ago: 

Jerry Jeudy lost his mind in the background of the video. Just hopping around and screaming. It was because he was pissed off! Sure. Good thing that went for 14 yards in the actual game. That's how you shut someone up. You go out and have a big game, you can't go for 14 yards, no matter who your quarterback is. Okay, maybe not, because again Russell Wilson fucking sucks. But you think Steve Smith is calling you up to apologize? Good one. 

You also can't say Steve Smith took it to the media when he is the media. I know players get pissed at everything, but I'd rather have someone like Steve Smith out there. Give me someone entertaining who isn't afraid to say whatever. There's too many boring ass people in media.