Anthony Richardson Is Undergoing Season-Ending Shoulder Surgery

Shoutout to Jim Irsay for breaking the news himself. Don't let Adam Schefter take all the glory. It's your quarterback. Take matters into your own hands and get those likes yourself Jim. 

I feel like there's not a lot to be said about this that hasn't been said already. When Anthony Richardson was pulled out of the game for the 3rd time in 4 starts, you had a feeling this was coming. Even before it was revealed that he had a sprained AC joint in his throwing shoulder, there was a part of me that thought maybe he should just hang it up for the year. Just sit perfectly still on the couch until next training camp and try again next season. 

It would really suck if Anthony Richardson comes back and is scared to play loose. His arm is strong enough to sit back there in the pocket and sling it. I'm sure his decision making and accuracy will improve as well. But what makes him so awesome is his ability to get out of the pocket and improvise when necessary. It's easy to say "just stop taking hits", or "learn to slide" but if you're really playing that style it's nearly impossible. If you're playing any style it's impossible. For any player to live up to his full potential, he has to be able to sometimes take a hit. So far in his NFL career, he hasn't been able to. But up until the time he's touched by someone, he's looked terrific. If he stays healthy, with is a big if at this point, it's hard to not be optimistic about his future as a Colts fan.

So again, Anthony. Just go to your doctor's appointments, do your rehab, watch film, and stay as stationary as possible until next season. We can't risk you bumping into any walls and shattering your elbow. And maybe when you show up to strangers birthday parties, don't let them aggressively shake your hand while your arm is in a sling.