Lighten the Fuck Up! The College Professor Told Inappropriate Jokes That Infuriated His Female Students...

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A well-known and highly regarded college professor was a brilliant man, and he fancied himself a stand-up comic who delivered the best punchlines. 

He had a habit of telling dirty jokes during his lectures that some of his female students found inappropriate. 

After repeated lectures that included jokes, the girls became infuriated and decided the next time the professor started telling an inappropriate joke, they'd all stand up and walk out of class in protest. Somehow the professor got wind of their plan… 

At the start of his next lecture, he opened with, "In Sweden, a prostitute makes upwards of $2,000 per night…" 

Upon hearing this, all the female students immediately stood up and began walking out of the lecture hall in protest.

As they were leaving, the professor yelled, "Where you all going? The plane to Sweden doesn't take off until day after tomorrow!"


Vindog has been repurposing jokes since 1968! This is LTFU Joke #199!

Just in case you missed the last one…