Arkansas OC Dan Enos Used His Work Email To Respond To Students Who Were Upset About His Playcalling

I’m going to defend Enos here for just a second and say that if you’re spending your spare time emailing coaches about their decision-making, you’re kind of a scumbag. Just do what everybody else does. Go to Twitter and express your hatred. Call the local radio station and let people know what’s up if you feel up to it. Taking the time to email somebody personally is a different level of lame. With that said, Enos should know better.

Dan Enos hasn't been popular at any school he's been at, and I'm kind of amazed that he still has a relatively high-profile job at an SEC University. This is his second go around as the offensive coordinator for Arkansas, and his first tenure wasn't particularly successful. He flamed out as a head coach and coordinator in multiple places. He must be a really nice guy. That's kind of the only explanation I have as to why he still keeps getting work.

More than anybody, I understand somebody getting upset by what people have to say about them on the Internet, but if you're going to clap back at people, don't use your fucking work email. I mean, I'm not even that smart of a guy, and I know it's probably not the best idea to use your work email for anything other than, you know, work. Arkansas currently ranks 101st in yards per game of the 130 NCAA team. While I don't condone somebody emailing a coach about their job performance, this fan might've been correct. Maybe Enos is a hack.