Best Fans In Baseball: An Anonymous Phillies Fan Spent $4500 On Free Beer For His Entire Section

It just means more in Red October. 

This team. This fanbase. This city. Citizens Bank Park just transforms into the most magical place on Earth the moment those calendars flip over to October and the Phillies are shit pumping division rivals in the playoffs. 

The crowd as a whole is electric. 45,000 psychopaths all going nuts from the first pitch to the last. But then you zoom in on the individuals and you get moments like this. A hero walks amongst us, but chooses to remain anonymous. He (or I guess she) doesn't do it for the fame. He doesn't do it for the glory. He doesn't do it for the attention like some particular fan in Miami would. This Phillies fan went ahead and spent $4,500 on free beer for his entire section because he loves and cares about each and every person in that building. He loves the Fightins, and he loves all the other maniacs in that building who are cheering right alongside with him. 

Sidenote: I'll be willing to fully clear Marlins Man's reputation as a fraud if he takes me to a game and buys a cold one for the whole section. 
