Victoria Beckham Tried To Claim She Grew Up 'Working Class' Before David Beckham Made Her Admit Her Dad Drove A Rolls-Royce

Victoria Beckham is so rich that she's forgotten what words like "working class" even mean. When you and your husband are worth an estimated $450 million and that's all you've known for the last few decades, I'm sure the days of having just one Rolls-Royce in the family do seem like the times in which you needed to pull yourself up by your bootstraps.

This clip is obviously funny, but it was also a great job from David Beckham to make sure his wife wasn't telling any stories in front of the camera that people were going to look up later and come after them for. He was waiting right by that door for her to say something like this so he could swoop in and make things right before a comment like that ended up on Netflix and the internet found the Rolls on its own. That's the level of preparation the great ones have.

Also, "It depends," is not a better answer to David's question once it's been established that there was a Rolls-Royce in the garage, because that means there were other suitable alternatives to the Rolls-Royce. Just your usual working class family.