If I was Elected President the 1st Thing I'd do Is Make Parents Flying with Children In 1st class Have To Pay for 2 seats

So right off the bat I know what people are gonna say.   Hey Pres why is somebody as rich as you flying commercial in the first place? Well the answer to that is pretty simple.  To lead the people you need be a man of the people.  I'm not the type of guy to rule from my ivory tower on Nantucket, Miami, Montauk, or Saratoga.  Nope I need to rub shoulders with the commoners to maintain the pulse of the people.    To champion the causes that need a voice.   A cause like finally putting an end to little kids flying for free in 1st class.   

Yes let this message ring from sea to shining sea.   Adults traveling with little kids (gross) in 1st class should be forced to buy an extra ticket for their child.  No more sitting on their parents laps in 1st class.   We can't have it.  We can't win with it.  People are paying a premium for 1st class seats.   If you can afford one 1st class ticket for yourself you can surely afford a second seat for your kid.  Because it is beyond unconstitutional for the person sitting next to you in 1st class (who was me in this case last week) to endure your crying sniffly kid for the duration of the flight.  I did not pay a premium to sit on a flying Chucky E Cheese.

Now I am not without reason.   If you traveling in business class because you are poor I get it.   Maybe you can't afford an extra ticket for your toddler.  Then I will allow babies to sit on laps. What happens in the back of the plane stays in the back of the plane.  Granted I still think the last 5 rows of any flight should be the kids only section, but that's a different story for a different day.   I'm talking about 1st class only.   A place where decorum and dignity should still reign supreme.