BREAKING: Turns Out The Tush Push Isn't So Unstoppable After All

Well, well, well would ya look at that.

The tush push--that god forsaken unstoppable play! It's a cheat code! We need to ban it immediately and zap it out of our memories entirely a la Men In Black. 

As it turns out, however, maybe it's not so unstoppable after all. Turns out the tush push is significantly harder to execute when you don't have the best offensive line in football. Turns out the tush push is significantly harder to execute when your quarterback can't squat 600 lbs. Turns out the tush push is significantly harder to execute when your team doesn't obsess over all the smallest details on how to perfect the play and all other variations of it. Turns out the issue isn't that the tush push is a cheat code unstoppable play, it's just that the Eagles are so much better at it than any other team in football. 

Peter King and the rest of you bozos out there who think the NFL needs to ban the play can all eat a bag of dicks. Respectfully. Case closed. 
