Credit Where Credit Is Due: Freak Time In Cream City Is A Fantastic Slogan For The Bucks New Superstar Duo

Quinn Harris. Getty Images.

There are a lot of reasons to love the NBA's latest superstar duo/superteam. The combination of Dame and Giannis is going to be fascinating to watch when it comes to the actual basketball stuff. Yes, the Bucks have a lot to figure out defensively, especially out on the perimeter, but that doesn't take away from the questions the Bucks answered on the other end of the floor. The spacing Dame provides, the ability to run Dame/Giannis P&R is going to be devastating for opposing defenses, the Bucks now have a legit late game offensive option when recently their clutch time offense has kind of sucked (18th out of 30 clutch offense during the year, 15th out of 16 in the playoffs). 

That all changes now that Dame is in the mix. So much of Dame's career has been around "getting Dame help", well he now joins the best team he's ever played on with some of the best players he's ever played with. From Dame to Giannis to everyone on the roster, there are no excuses to not win the title.

But the basketball stuff isn't the only reason why this pairing has potential. As we saw with The Beam Team, you cannot underestimate the power of a good slogan/nickname. It can completely change a franchise. To deny that would be silly. So while this might be an issue for me personally and my favorite basketball team, I simply have to call it like I see it. The new Bucks duo name is incredible

Freak Time in Cream City is perfect. As perfect of a basketball fit as you think this move might be, it's only stronger with a name/slogan like that. I can already see it now. The Bucks are in a close game down the stretch in the 4th quarter and someone calls a timeout. The jumbotron announces that what used to be "Dame Time" is now Freak Time

and then Giannis/Dame takes the game over and carries the team to victory. Giannis probably has some sort of monster dunk which is immediately followed by a block on the other end which leads to a transition Dame 40 footer which he of course makes. Get ready, because that's on the horizon. 

The Bucks haven't work those Cream City jerseys since 2019-20 I believe, but anyone with a brain over there finds a way to bring those back for 2023-24. I'm sure there are some sort of jersey rules or something along those lines but who cares? Figure it out. The Bucks salary cap is getting mighty expensive so they could probably use the extra cash. If you don't think there are going to be a million Freak Time Cream City edition jerseys you're kidding yourself, as there should be. It's a tremendous name/slogan.

Compare that to what the Suns have with their new superteam. Do they even have a cool slogan/nickname? I'm not so sure they do, which is unfortunate for them. We all saw what The Beam Team did for the Kings, well now we have a situation where two Top 75 guys have joined forces on a team that just won the most games in the NBA last season and are now also powered by an awesome nickname. 

If that doesn't guarantee a monster season, what does?