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Brendan Schooler Just Had The Coolest FG Block You'll Ever See

Listen guys, Patriots highlights are going to be few and far between this season. So we gotta take em where we can get em, then so be it. Special teams included. (Checks notes) Brendan Schooler included.

So man, oh man, what a hell of a play right there in the third quarter tonight by Schooler.

That's as clean and early a blocked field goal as you'll ever see.

Because the undrafted 2nd year special teamer was running so fast he would have got a ticket in a school zone.

Schooler came flying from the sideline like he got shot out of a cannon. How he was able to time that so perfectly means it's half New England realizing their division rival has ran the same cadence on field goal snaps for the last however many seasons, and half Belichick drilling and practicing this in practice. As much as I want to sometimes think Belichick has lost a step, the guy has still got it. 

Colinsworth said during a replay of this that every college and high school football team will be practicing this play this week, and he's probably right. Young coaches study and mimick Belichick like kids my age growing up played basketball with our tongues sticking out to be like Mike.

Also, there's a reason it's called "Special" Teams am I right? 

p.s. - good thing new england isn't playing against baltimore tonight, john harbaugh would have lost his shit and protested this play was against the rules.

p.p.s. - this play better get dubbed "the schooler" in tribute to him.