Coach Prime Effect: Lil Wayne Showed Up In Boulder To Lead Colorado Out Of The Tunnel With A Live Performance Before Tonight's Game
I know we're just two games into the Deion era here and hell, even this game had Colorado throwing a pick already, but this is the hottest spot in America tonight. You have The Rock, you have Offset, you have Lil Wayne and arguably most impressively, Deion got Kawhi to show up to something:
Kawhi hardly shows up to his own sport, let alone travel to go see a college football game with teams he has zero ties to. Colorado is legit the coolest team in America and it ain't close. That's the Deion effect. It's basically the old school U without the title rings. You have a Colorado game and the stars are going to come out. Not only are they going to come out, they are going to be basically leading the student section:
You had people on Twitter (I know, not a real place) losing their shit that Tennessee/Florida was going long and Josh Huepel was taking pointless timeouts delaying the game being started on ESPN. Nobody gave a shit about Colorado football for the last, I don't know, 20 years? Now this is happening. Getting Kawhi to stand outside there says it all.
You didn't even need Lil Wayne. Colorado has the coolest entrance in college football with Ralphie

Next up, gotta let Lil Wayne run out with Ralphie.