Choose Your Fighter: Is This The Worst Or Best Dressed Frat House In America?

This is an unbelievable video. I'm not exactly sure where it is, but you could tell me this is where we hosted our college football show yesterday and I think I'd believe you. I didn't know you could smell videos, but this one smells like $40 a gram. Part of me respects this fit though. In a world of Givenchy, Louis, and Prada, be an untucked Target polo, khaki shorts, and New Balance/Sperries type of fella. Not a Panda dunk or Yeezy in sight. How much do we think that entire fit costs? Like $100? That's just economical! And being a GOATed white boy dripping with the sauce? Priceless.

Let's check in with our SEC correspondent Keegs on her thoughts of these fellas:

Gun to my head I couldn't have guessed Keegs was wining and dining with a bunch of Tucker Carlson character builds. Now she's sitting in Grecian towers smoking skinny cigarettes and getting into spats with these same men over their incel tendencies that have been nurtured for decades. And they say people can't change.

Underrated part of the video is putting all the short kings at the back of the video. I'm 6 foot (humble brag) but there must be nothing worse than not only getting cooked for your outfit but being short in the process. True pain. Anyway, let these boys live in their subcultures and tradition. It can only inevitably get worse when they land a finance job in NYC that has them working 80+ hours a week just to get one night out at The Gem Saloon. I'm letting these fellas cook and not thinking twice about it. Roll tide!