Some Heartless Woman Is Mad At Her Boyfriend For Having Sex With His Girl Bestfriend Even Though It Was Her Dying Wish

(Daily Mail)--

A girlfriend has been left 'distraught and jealous' after finding out her boyfriend of three years slept with his terminally ill female friend as a 'final wish'. 

The 22-year-old woman claims a mutual friend spoke of her partner's infidelity while on a group holiday and she's since been struggling emotionally - especially because the friend passed away in March 2022.

I hate myself because I get angry inside whenever he mentions her. I can't express my jealousy because she's dead anyway,' she wrote. 

'This jealousy is eating me up. They totally had emotional sex because of her condition. I don't even know who initiated it. It was probably something like how she didn't want to die a virgin.' 

Hundreds offered words of advice, most of whom agreed there's 'no excuses' for cheating on a partner.

'My boyfriend said that if he could, he would've asked me for permission then. He would have respected my decision and wouldn't have done it. Though a part of him would also feel guilty about not fulfilling his friend's wish when she dies.

The boyfriend also admitted that he only slept with his friend 'because she was dying' and claims she made the first move. 

'He wouldn't have done it in other circumstances. It wasn't romantic for him,' she continued.

'It was spur of the moment because of strong emotions. He didn't get to ask me for permission because it happened exactly at that moment.' 

And THIS is why girlfriends are rightfully suspicious of the "girl-best friend". All the excuses of "she's like a sister to me" or "I don't even look at her like that" and "she doesn't look at me in that way" all go out the window as soon as they're alone and she's about to die. Can't trust a dying girl best friend as far as you can throw them. 

Now, I want to go on the record and say that I would NEVER cheat on a girlfriend with a dying girl. Sick people are gross. Having said that…

The people saying that there is "no excuse" are idiots. There's an excuse. She's about to die. Do you know what people ask for on their deathbed? Literally fucking EVERYTHING. Fabulous vacations and experiences from Make-A-Wish, lobster and filet mignon from the state for murderers on death row, eternal salvation in the Kingdom of Heaven from our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. This girl best-friend was putting this guy's dick on an equal pedestal with all of those things. Imagine the confidence boost that you get from being the dying wish dick. You'll be strutting around with confidence until your own dying days. 

Which is exactly when this sort of secret can get revealed. The two people take that shit to their GRAVE and since the girl best friend was going there any minute, it's just up to the guy to keep his fucking mouth shut forever. You're 22, horned up, and the girl that you've been secretly in love with your entire life asks for your dick before she dies. You treat that shit like the old lady in Titanic. Your heart is an ocean of secrets and some should just stay at the bottom of the sea.