This Ukrainian Track Star Yuliya Levchenko Is Winning Medals, Hearts, And Is Now Dubbed The "High Jump Barbie"

I like to consider myself a man of sport. I watch the Olympics, might tune into the World Athletics Championships here and there, love the beautiful game of football (soccer, you goofballs), etc. So there rarely comes a time where I'm stunned by a name. But *checks notes* Yuliya Levchenko did just that. Apparently she's been around for a while, and TikTok has already thristed over her plenty, but she's catching some new press in this year's athletics championships. News to me.

High Jump Barbie is such a great nickname. Being labelled as an anything Barbie must be the self esteem boost of a lifetime. Granted we're talking about an Olympic level athlete anyway. And I don't think Yuliya has any problem with income, as my quick journalistic research led me to see she's a Nike AND Richard Mille sponsored athlete. What a way to be called poor as you get dusted in the high jump by her wearing what are probably $200,000 watches. Just look at the drip:

That's just a casual RM 07-04 watch that retails for $185,000 at the MINIMUM. Anyway, Yuliya, High Jump Barbie, Ukraine's Wonder Woman, whatever you want to call her, has a new fan here at Barstool HQ. I will be tuning in to every meet and rooting her on. We need to send as much money to Ukraine as possible. Whatever we've sent isn't enough. Commence the display!

Go Yuliya go!