"It's About Your Heart, Not Your Boobs" - Jack Hughes, Who Knows A Thing Or Two About Coaching Beach Volleyball

Jack Hughes is just entering the prime of his career in the NHL. He's 22-years-old, was just one point shy away from hitting the 100-point mark for the first time in his career last season, and still has 7 years left on his 8-year/$64 million contract with the New Jersey Devils. So I don't think Jack Hughes has any intentions on retiring anytime soon. 

But it must be nice to know this early in his career what his life will look like after hockey. Some guys really struggle with that. They hold on to the game for too long because they have no idea what they're going to do with themselves once they're no longer playing the game. Some guys go into media, some get into coaching. Jack Hughes definitely has the personality for media, but it looks like coaching will be his calling. The only thing is that it's not going to be in hockey, but beach volleyball. 

This guy is going to be one of the greats. He knows everything there is to know about what it takes to be a beach volleyball champion. It's not about your boobs. Never has been, never will be. It's easy for people to make that assumption. I mean boobs are awesome. But really it's about what is underneath of those boobs--your heart. Whoever has the most of that is going to be coming away with the dub more times than not. Though the boobs definitely don't hurt. 

Anyway, I'm just glad that Jack Hughes is perpetually a 15-year-old kid and I hope that never changes at any point throughout his career. Just an innocent little man child. Like a baby-faced Gronk. There's something endearing about that. Bet the young man also padded his stats later that night, too. 
