Julio Rodriguez Is Trying To Overtake Ken Griffey Jr As The Coolest Mariners CF Ever With This Insane Robbery Of A Home Run Out Via Fake Out

I thought some things were untouchable in my life. I thought no show would ever top Saved By The Bell. I thought no drink would ever top The Arizona Iced Tea 99 cent 23 oz can. I also thought no one could ever be as cool as Ken Griffey Jr. I thought for sure he was the coolest Mariner ever. Just look at the guy. Backwards hat, sick logo, the smile. Endless … endless highlight reel . 

Well as Bob Dylan once sang, (and maybe poetically it’s happening on a day like today) “the times they are a changing.” because I’ll be damned but Julio Rodriguez may be giving The Kid a run for his money as coolest ever with a robbery of a catch and a fake out to boot. What a shit eating grin. You don’t do that unless you know you can do it again. Same way Griffey posed over home runs. He did it and said ain’t nothing you can do to stop it. Julio on the same thought process. What a fucking catch … even better fake out. Unreal.