Messi Keeps Putting On Such A Damn Show That Rick Ross Is Showing Up To Inter Miami Games And Talking About An American Soccer Movement

Well, there it is. There's the official Messi is playing in America and we have an official movement on our hands. Some people would say there isn't an official movement until a certain bald guy in Miami shows up to a game, but I'll leave that for squeeze out talk. Needless to say, Messi responded by yet again making the MLS look like a JV league: 

If that's not enough, this stat going around has me dying laughing: 

I know Inter Miami was an expansion team, but Messi has played in 3 matches and we're already at that. Fucking hilarious that he's going to break this record in about 30 matches. He's so good he has refs flat out listening to him too: 

The dude is still too good for the MLS. It's going to be hilarious to watch him over the length of a full season just doing this shit every night. Then again, if this was my wife and her reaction after I score, I'd be inspired to get a couple goals too: 

Rick Ross isn't lying though. It's becoming a movement in Miami and American soccer. That's how good Messi is. That's how important he is to the sport. Another night, another two goal showing.