Gal Gadot Said 'Wonder Woman 3' Is Coming To James Gunn's DC Universe. BOOOO!!!!!!!

'Wonder Woman' was a solid movie mostly due to the world around it and the supporting characters. 'Wonder Woman 1984' was a pile of dogshit that wasted months that Pedro Pascal could have been using to do anything else. What is the common thread? Gadot's acting. Here is my very personal assessment:

Gal Gadot is an undeniably charismatic and attractive actress. She is also, simply put, a bad actress. She is basically the female equivalent of The Rock in the bubble of the acting world. This sort of skill set was once in demand for Hollywood (think Arnie in the 80's) but we just aren't there anymore. Will their movies make bank? Yes. Will they the face of successful/quality franchises? No. 

So for her to be somehow the one member of the Justice League that new head honcho James Gunn takes into the new world for DC is kind of crazy. Gunn has actually built some of the best superhero movies around using attractive, charismatic actors (Pratt, Cena, Bautista) that were able to reach a second level for just a couple scenes to give a movie depth. Gadot just doesn't have it. You can watch the wonder woman movies, the fast franchise, Red Notice, or whatever other big budget movie you can find. It just ain't there. And that is all without bringing up her headlining one of the most tone-deaf disasters of the COVID era...

Here is the saving grace: She technically never said that she would be involved in that quote. So maybe she will just be an EP or something on the new iteration for Gunn's universe.