Dudes Being Dudes...Travis and Jason Kelce Laugh Over Dick Jokes

There's a lot of divide right now on men not appreciating things, or trying to tear down movies about dolls, etc. I'm not here to try and piss people off or divide a country. What I am here to do is tell you that there are a few certainties in life regarding men. A- we like football 2- we are simple and D- when in doubt ... toilet humor or dick jokes will always make a laugh. That last one proved true once again via The Kelce brothers podcast New Heights. 

I don't want to be that guy but I saw the punchline coming because I recalled hearing it before, as it is a very old joke. However, I laughed just as hard as Travis did when I heard it for the first time. How could you not, it's the perfect formula of what we want as men in a joke. It's funny ... it's about dicks ... and the punchline makes fun of one of your buddies. Almost every joke ever delivered in a locker room or a team bonding activity or a roast always gets a bigger pop when the punch line insults someone in the room. We're stupid and simple. If someone catches a shot we laugh harder it's a very easy formula. 

There's also nothing wrong with this. I think if you ask Doug Pederson about the story , in the moment he probably laughed the hardest and to this day still laughs when the story comes up. Another reminder that sometimes being the dumb idiot men we are has its benefits. Rip a fart, watch a football game, have a couple of beers, and tell a few dick jokes and we could be set for the rest of our lives. 

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