We've Reached The Lamest Point In Shit-Talking Drama With Jordan Poole's 'Official' Response To Draymond Green

We've officially hit the low point here from Poole. I didn't think it'd be lower than having your dad jump in on social media trying to defend you and/or fight Draymond, but this does it. Posting lyrics and sub-posting (I think that's a word, fuck me for even typing that out) is just pathetic at this point. You got punched, traded and being talked about now. 

You can't post a song lyric and sound all emotional that way! You need to do actually say something or offer to fight Draymond. Those are the only two answers here. I'm so sick of everyone doing the sub-tweet or whatever the hell you want to call it on Instagram. What happened to the good old days where you'd run to the press and at least have a camera shoved in front of you to talk shit. 

Side note, does Jordan Poole not know Draymond Green? His hobby is quite literally podcasting. Draymond's favorite thing to do is talk. You're asking him to do more of that? Doesn't seem like the best idea considering this is what how you're reacting. 

What a weird fucking day that also just seems normal in this whole scenario 

No more friends responding. No more family responding. Get these two in a room, recorded obviously, and let them hash it out. Fisticuffs, shit talking, what have you.