Playing Pick-Up Basketball Against Anthony Richardson Looks Absolutely Terrifying

Imagine walking into your local YMCA looking to play a little pick-up basketball for your weekly two hours away from your wife and kids and the No. 4 pick in the NFL Draft is running up and down the court throwing down transition dunks. This is a real-life Derek Jeter Capital One commercial.

Colts fans have to be a little nervous watching that video, though. I honestly can't believe this isn't expressly forbidden in Anthony Richardson's contract. If he tore an ACL coming down from flushing a reverse dunk in a pick-up basketball game, I imagine a large number of people would be pretty upset.

It's awesome to watch as long as he's allowed to do it, though. And it has to be a sight for sore eyes to go from Phillip Rivers and the Ghost of Matt Ryan to this guy who's built like a linebacker and can tear down a rim.

Just don't hurt yourself, AR.