Retraction And Update On Story About Florida Baseball Coach Kevin O’Sullivan

I posted a blog on Monday with a TikTok from Jack Mac in which he claimed that the University of Florida’s baseball coach had an affair with someone who is now his wife, and that the affair led to a tragedy involving the woman's then-husband and children.

Jack has removed and retracted his TikTok and posted the one above stating that his post was based on rumors he had heard. He understands that the statements he made were false and not based in fact and that Kevin O’Sullivan did not have an affair with this woman or have anything to do with the tragic events.

In light of Jack’s video, I have removed and am retracting my post, which I apologize to Coach O’Sullivan, his wife and their family for making.

Like Jack, I’d encourage you to check out the website for the foundation established to honor the children, the Rex and Brody Foundation, and make a donation if you can.