It's Always Important To Have A Spotter At The Gym

Working out is an important part of life. We have gotten way too comfortable as a society by praising people who do absolutely nothing for their own health. But if you're going to work out, it's always best to stay safe. 

You don't want to load up the bar with a bunch of 45lb plates and then have it come crashing down on your sternum. You don't want to be struggling to keep proper form during your pull-ups and ultimately hurt yourself in the process. You really ought to have a spotter at all times in the gym. And even if you feel like you don't need one, just the sense of knowing that someone is there in case a rep goes wrong allows you to lift more than you'd be able to do on your own. Maybe you get that one last rep that you would have bailed out of on your own. It might not seem like much at the moment, but if you do one more rep every single day? That starts to add up. 

So credit to these ladies for doing the smart thing and keeping each other safe in the gym. That's what friends are for. Can't wait to do the same thing with the boys later this week when it's back day. 
