The Nuggets Radio Announcer Crying On Air And Talking About How Fans Can Die In Peace Is Why You Should Never Stop Caring About Sports

Hell yeah. I know as you get older, it becomes 'weirder' to have a strong reaction to a sporting event. Fuck that. If you care about something, care about something. It's fun to be emotionally invested into people you don't know, ranging from 18 years old and up. Because the moment you win, the moment you waited your entire fandom for, it's all worth it. Doesn't matter the sport, doesn't matter the team. Winning is awesome. 

Sure, you may have other things that become more important. Maybe it's dating, maybe it's friends, maybe it's marriage, maybe it's kids. But sports, I don't know man. It's just something I'll always care about. The payoff when you finally win is worth it. Look at Nuggets fans. They have waited their entire existence to finally see a self-proclaimed fat boy from Serbia lead them to a title. 

Also laugh out loud funny the dude just off screen is getting the tie off, loosening the shirt, undressing in this scene. Guy is delivering the call of his life and he's got a man ready for a t-shirt next to him. Give it a minute before you start going Al Bundy and sitting there with your zipper undone. 

The point is never stop caring if you truly love sports. Don't stop because want to make fun of you for getting emotionally invested into a team who gives zero shits about you. Because this is the moment you want. This is the moment you watch a November game for. I don't care if you are a 1-time winner or a dynasty, winning a title never, ever gets old as a fan.