Stefon Diggs Responded To Missing Mandatory Mini-Camp The Normal Way .... By Posting Weird, Cryptic Shit On Instagram

I mean if this isn't the most wide receiver Instagram that you can think of, good luck finding another. Diggs missed yesterday's mandatory mini-camp, as Jerry talks about here: 

Now, I know mandatory means one specific thing so I always laugh when people just don't show up. Might try that out one time and see the reaction. Anyways, Stefon Diggs has been in this weird will he/won't he with the Bills. Hey, it happens. You get sick of seeing the same face. You get sick of eating the same 3-4 meals every single week. Missionary Wednesday and drunk doggy loses its luster. You know exactly what I'm talking about. It's time to move on. 

All that said, we're still talking about a wide receiver here. You gotta really dig into figure out what the fuck they are talking about. I did that (see: I clicked some quote tweets and read replies and google searched exactly 1 time). It appears Bills fans seem to be losing their shit over Diggs sub-Instagramming (whatever the fucking word is here) Josh Allen and/or Sean McDermott. Hell, it could be the media. 

Then there's the second post which makes even less goddamn sense. 6 years? Well, he'd be in the middle of his 3rd season in the NFL? None of that makes sense. I don't even know why Diggs is so mad with the Bills. He's getting paid. He's getting touches. He's competing every year he's there.

Can we just get back to wide receivers doing situps on their driveway to prove a point? At least then I didn't have to go to social media to figure out what the fuck is being said and thought about in Bills world. That or just come on over to the Giants for a couple years, Diggs.