Hockey Tough: Woman Wins Cheese Rolling World Championship After Getting Knocked Unconscious

Annabel Lee-Ellis. Getty Images.

The Guardian -- A woman was knocked unconscious while running down a hill to chase a 3kg (7lb) cheese wheel, but still managed to win her race at the bank holiday event.

Irving, 19, said she only realised she had won the women’s race when she woke up in the medical tent.

I'll tell you what--it only makes sense that this chick is from Canada. Because it doesn't get any more Hockey Tough than that. 

Every year competitors come from all across the globe to the local village of Brockworth, near Gloucester, England. These world-class athletes all attempt to catch a 7-9 lb wheel of Double Gloucester cheese down a 200-yard-long hill. Whoever catches the cheese or is the first to cross the finish line is the world champion. 

You can never take that away from 19-year-old Canadian Delaney Irving now. She's a world champion for the rest of her life, even though she doesn't remember most of it. 

Getting knocked unconscious would put an NFL player in concussion protocol for the next week. Getting knocked unconscious would end the season for any soccer player. And I'd imagine that getting knocked unconscious would result in the immediate retirement of any player in the NBA. 

But not Delaney Irving. She's a good ol' Canadian gal and she's hockey tough. Knock yourself out rolling down a giant 200-yard hill? Good news is that there's plenty of dirt on that hill to rub on it, get yourself back up, and finish the damn race. It's great to know that as soft as athletes are getting these days, there are still some throwbacks out there like Delaney Irving. 
