These Insane Pictures Of Rick James' House In 1979 Are A Peak Into The Mind And Life Of The Super Freak Himself

You can tell a lot about a person by their home. And I'm not just talking about if they are dirty or clean. I'm talking about decor and layout. Feng shui if you will. 

Does this person have a cluttered mind, living amongst piles of possessions? Does their place have a more simplistic, modern feel that exudes balance and calmness? Or maybe it's a giant jungle mansion that looks like it's sole purpose was to be built for drug-fueled orgies and mind-expanding mushroom trips.

You could probably already guess which one Rick James was.

Rick James was a bad mother fucker. I'm not old enough to remember the height of his career but I used to play his vinyls on my DJ setup in high school and will still throw on the Chapelle Show skits when I can't find anything else to watch. He's an absolute legend. And his house fit his personality as perfectly as those skin tight snake skin leather pants fit his legs. 

These pictures look like 1970's fever dream. Like shag carpet became sentient and overgrew an abandoned house. It's like if the Brady Bunch family made a hard right turn and started taking acid on a daily basis while Marcia banged rock stars on the mushroom shaped chairs. Basically, this place has some serious style.

Every room has at least two colors and lengths of carpet like if Van Gogh was the course director for the Masters. Kind of an awesome look if you ask me.

And how about the pools in this place? None of the rooms that have a pool seem big enough to have a pool. It's like they shoehorned a pool inside your grandma's ranch style home. If I'm not mistaken that's carpet directly on the other side of the cement wall too. That's like having carpet in your bathroom. Just a wild design choice.

All that really tells me is that these pools weren't make for back strokes but rather for back shots. The monthly chemical bills to sanitize those fuck ponds must have been monstrous. 

I also kind of like that some rooms look like exact replicas of other rooms just with a different color palette. Like Rick couldn't decide between two colors so he just said fuck it let's make another room the exact same thing just in a different hue. 

Also, if the Chapelle show skits were true and Rick wore his muddy ass boots everywhere then you have to feel for the poor bastard who cleaned the house every week. Rick is just tracking the entire outdoors through his 99% carpeted Fraggle Rock looking ass mansion and the cleaner guy is like… 

Giphy Images.

I especially like the last bedroom here that looks like it was decorated with left over stuff from a glow in the dark putt putt course. This is the type of room I could see Aaron Rodgers spending 10 business days in while he is shroomed out of his skull and trying to decide whether he wants to come back and play football for the 8th straight offseason.

Every morning Aaron gets up, stares in that mirror while he slicks back his greasy hair and says to himself, "I deserve good things, I am entitled to my share of happiness. I refuse to beat myself up. I am an attractive person. I am fun to be with." Because as we all know Rodgers is really just Stuart Smalley trying to be one of the cool kids.

And last but not least we have what can only be described as the fuck palace. You don't hang a giant heart light over a pink bed and not clap cheeks in that bad boy. I'm guessing that bed has seen some shit. Probably, literally. After all Rick James was the Super Freak.

Now let's enjoy the Rick James skits from Chapelle Show shall we?