Dan Hurley Losing His Mind And His Magnificent Paintings Are The Only Highlights Worth Anything From That Ass Kicking

I mean, I can't even spinzone this. That was an ass kicking. It wasn't even close after like 19 minutes. Sure, you can Drew Timme got a horseshit 4th call but it wouldn't have mattered. UConn had that Jordan Hawkins run in the 2nd half, they couldn't miss and Gonzaga ran the UCLA offense of bricking shots. Impressive really. Also makes me mad that we didn't get UCLA vs UConn (way better matchup). Whatever that's how the NCAA Tournament goes. 

But here are the highlights worth showing. Dan Hurley being Dan Hurley.

I wish I hated him. I just don't. He's hilarious. He always looks like he's on the verge of crying while also somehow stubbing his toe. I want a camera on him at all times. He's freaking out like this up 30 while sealing his first ever trip to the Final Four. He's brought UConn back. You can't tell by that clip. The man demands no turnovers at any time. I respect it.

Speaking of respect. I respect how he paints similar to my 3-year old. 

Just a hilarious picture that he drew for Luke Murray after he had to step in and coach a loss. Mike nailed it here. 

In all seriousness UConn was the best team in the country for November and December. Now they legit just ran through the West region. 

They just have so many different ways to beat you. Defense? Sure. Offense? It doesn't even really matter that Andre Jackson is their only true playmaker. They have the perfect roles. The two headed monster in Sanogo and Clingan. Karaban just seems to hit a dagger 3 whenever UConn needs one. Hawkins is a star. Newton does a little bit of everything. 

They just straight up punked Gonzaga too. Gonzaga tried to go Rondo defense on Jackson and instead he just made the passes. He decided to stop shooting and start taking two dribbles and attack Timme at the rim. It didn't matter who it was. It was an ass kicking. 

Hurley knew this was coming too. He called his shot early in his run at UConn