Gary Bettman Just Needs To Sit Down, Shut Up, And Listen To Connor McDavid About Putting Together An International Hockey Tournament

Connor McDavid is currently the best hockey player on the planet. This sick bastard does unspeakably nasty stuff night in and night out when he's on the ice. This man is quite literally keeping the lights on at NHL HQ. 

So when Connor McDavid says to jump, Gary Bettman should ask "would you like fries with that?". 

Literally whatever McDavid wants, Gary Bettman should be doing everything in his power to make happen. The fact that the best player in the league has had to get on his hands and knees to beg for a best-on-best international tournament is fucking preposterous. This jagaloon robbed guys like McDavid and Matthews of the opportunity to represent their countries at the Olympics. Rather asanine that Bettman has that kind of control over these guys in the first place. But not only did he strip their rights away to go represent their country on the world's biggest stage, but this rosy cheeked piece of shit hasn't even considered giving them an alternate option. 

I know the idea of another World Cup of Hockey has been thrown around out there, but anybody who thinks that Gary Bettman is actually going to make another one of those happen in the next 10 years has a bowl of boiled ground beef for brains. Bettman doesn't give a shit about what his best players want. Bettman doesn't give a shit about what the fans want. Bettman don't give a shit about anything. All he cares about is his money laundering facility with the Arizona Coyotes, and trying to give everybody at home a seizure with the digital board ads. And even if that prick would make another World Cup of Hockey happen, we'd have some more nonsense like the North American U23 team and Team Europe competing. Don't get me wrong--Team North America was electric at the time. But that's not international hockey. 

Moral of the story here is that whatever this guy wants, he should get. And Gary Bettman would have to be the most useless bag of shit on the planet to not give it to him. 
