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MUST WATCH - The Two Brothers Who Jussie Smollett Hired To "Attack" Him Have Spoken Out On The Record And The Interview They Gave Is Fucking Hilarious. It Also Includes A Full Reenactment Of The Noogie They Delivered In The “Attack”

Daily Mail 

Now speaking for the first time, they slammed Smollett as a 'crazy fraudster' who paid them for the ambush so he could be heralded as a 'poster boy for activism.'  They revealed they decided to take up Smollett's bizarre offer to beat him up because they thought he would, in turn, help their career.

Speaking about how the actor consistently lied and tried to play innocent after the hoax, the brothers told Fox Nation: 'Insane. That's when I really saw a different side of Jussie. Like, dude, really? This is when I knew that this dude was like a super villain.' The brothers revealed they met their then-friend Smollett an hour before carrying out the staged attack - and the actor later hung them out to dry when his web of lies began to unravel.

Both Osundairo brothers said they now feel 'betrayed' by the actor, who attempted to saddle them with the blame during subsequent hearings in court. The pair slammed the Empire actor as a 'crazy fraudster' who 'to this day, has not come out to say the truth'.

I'm sorry because I know this story just won't go away and everybody wants it to, along with Jussie, but this is just too good.

This all coming to light, with a full reenactment to boot, is fucking gold and I’m kicking myself for not thinking to do it myself.

If you remember, these guy are now my boys after having dinner with them last year at La Scarola.

Much of what they discussed on the record here with Fox, finally, was mentioned at that dinner. Except for one HUGE part I’m pissed they left out. 

I mean the guy gave him a fucking noogie!! Are you kidding me?

I laughed out loud when he said that and demonstrated doing it. 

Haven’t seen a funnier noogie since Nate gave one to the nose on air in the middle of a rundown-

The brothers have more sound bytes and some hilarious behind the scenes tales of how the entire thing was orchestrated with Smollett ahead of time in the full interview, which can be seen on Fox Nation. As well as some hilarious commentary on what happened in the aftermath, and during Jussie’s repeated (failed) attempts at proclaiming his innocence.

Check a sneak peak here-

Perhaps the craziest part of this entire story is the fact that two weeks ago Jussie filed an appeal in his case in which he was found guilty. The guy just won’t quit. But he argues his double jeopardy rights were violated because his buddy Kim Foxx initially dropped all charges against him as you’ll remember.

In that last video the brothers take us through how wild the fallout was and how scared they were when police announced they were looking for them. Even the ordeal of landing back in Chicago at O’Hare after returning from “hiding out” in their homeland like Jussie advised them to, and having CPD waiting for them.

Abimbola said that he “100% believes that Jussie will be able to rebound from this situation, I wouldn’t be surprised if he was thinking about running for political office.”

His brother follows that up stating, “This is America, anything is possible.”. And isn’t that the truth?

P.s.- here’s the obligatory