McNeese State Hires Will Wade And Claims The Program Is One Of The Best Mid-Major Jobs In The Country

Jonathan Mailhes. Shutterstock Images.

CBS Sports- McNeese State is hiring Will Wade as its next head coach just one year after the former LSU coach was fired for cause amid allegations of NCAA rules violations, sources confirmed to CBS Sports' Matt Norlander. The IARP has not delivered a final ruling on LSU basketball's case which led to Wade's dismissal, which includes five alleged Level I violations that have hindered Wade from consideration for bigger jobs.

"I'm so excited to welcome Coach Wade, his wife Lauren and daughter Caroline to Southwest Louisiana and McNeese!" McNeese State athletic director Heath Schroyer said in a statement. 

"This is a completely different job than it was three years ago. McNeese Basketball is one of the best jobs in the nation in regards to one-bid leagues. We are funded at the top of the league, have the best facility, a passionate fan base and many other built-in advantages. I will not make excuses for why we can't win and win big. Quite frankly, there is no excuse. 

"The days of us celebrating making conference tournaments or accepting mediocrity in all of our sports, let alone in basketball, are over."

Lost in the NCAA selection show, and upsets, and madness etc, was an under the radar story in college hoops that McNeese St hired Will Wade as it's new Men's Basketball Coach. If you are reading this as a casual basketball fan going, "that name sounds familiar" it's because Will Wade was fired from LSU amid allegations of paying players via a wire tap. 

Now, this was before the NIL deals came into place, so players are making money hand over fist, which may be why the administration at McNeese State was willing to make the hire. Also, it seems like these investigations and scandals are a big deal in the moment, and then when the punishments come out it's much lighter than we think. It feels like everyone hated Wade when it came out, but it was inevitable he would be back coaching pretty quick. 

The real story to me here is the AD claiming McNeese State is "one of the best jobs in the nation in regards to one-bid leagues." 

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Quickly checks the facts … 

McNeese State record the last 10 years working from 22-23' backwards : 

(Insert Mike Francesa voice)

"11-23, 11-22, 10-14, 15-17, 9-22, 12-17, 7-22, 9-20, 15-16, 11-20, 14-16, 17-16" 

The last time they finished above .500 was 2012, the last time they made the NCAA Tournament was 2002. This is what we consider a top program in the one-bid leagues ? I'm all for the AD pumping up his program, but let's try to keep things within reason here pal. You can't just be throwing out statements like that with zero facts. 

Now Will Wade whether you hate him or not, can coach. He will be an immediate impact in the Southland Conference, and he can recruit, so it's not crazy to expect Will Wade to start running through this conference. The only thing that I wonder if the AD id dumb or oblivious here because the minute Wade has success, and if the world of big jobs are willing to take him back … he's gone. 

If this guy thinks he inked Wade to be a lifelong coach he's nuts.I don't think anyone can be that stupid, which makes me think this really is a scratch each other's back type deal. McNeese State needs anyone to care about their program, and Will Wade needs a starting point to get back into high major basketball. Each side is hoping for success, and each side knows it's a short term marriage.