Bryan Cranston Says Donald Trump's "'I Dont Give A Shit' Attitude" Is Great

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The HillActor Bryan Cranston had plenty of kind things to say about Donald Trump during a recent interview, calling the Republican presidential candidate “refreshing” and praising his candor. Initially joking with “The Nerdist” host Chris Hardwick about the probability of a President Trump, the “Breaking Bad” star soon started sharing his true feelings about the real estate mogul and his role as the enfant terrible of the 2016 election cycle. “I actually like his candor,” Cranston told Hardwick, pointing to Trump’s penchant for calling his opponents out as “losers” and “idiots.” “There’s something so refreshing about shaking up that world that is all about being handled,” Cranston continued. “And here comes this loose cannon who has terrible ideas and would be a horrible president, but there’s something great about his ‘I don’t give a s—‘ attitude that really kind of keeps others honest. I think it’s a surprise benefit to the country, actually.” “I hope he stays in for a long, long time and just collapses that whole tent of his,” Cranston said. The award-winning star of stage and screen is certainly not alone in believing Trump to be a breath of fresh air. Noted liberal talk show host Bill Maher also referred to Trump as “refreshing” during a recent interview. One person who is likely to disagree with Cranston, however, is his former “Breaking Bad” co-star Aaron Paul, who recently took to Twitter to fire back at Trump with the businessman’s own favorite insult. “Dear Donald Trump, You’re an idiot,” Paul tweeted.

This is an important moment in history folks. I dont know if Donald Trump is going to become the next President. It seems like a long shot. But what he’s doing is more important than being elected POTUS. What he’s doing is monumentally important and will be looked back on in the history books as the day the pendulum finally began to swing back. People actually seem to be embracing Donald Trump saying whatever the fuck he wants and that is a very, very good thing. When Trump said at the debate that political correctness is getting in the way of everything, it was pretty widely embraced. He gets up there and shoots you completely straight, and that includes insults, and mean spirited comments, and even, perhaps, maybe, a touch of ignorance, and you know what? People are kinda down with it. Now, a lot of people are embracing the humor of it. Its more funny than anything. I’m not sitting here telling you everyone agrees with all of Donald Trump’s thoughts. Nobody is hitting the voting booth to punch their ticket for Trump. But I’m just saying guys like Bryan Cranston and even Bill Maher saying they like his honesty and his candor, thats fucking great. Maybe its the first signs that society is actually not being a giant fucking pussy anymore. Someone can get up there and call someone a loser or call someone an idiot and be honest about how much money they make and look you dead in the eyes and tell you they believe in controversial stuff and its actually well received by some people. Imagine that! Maybe we’re actually headed in the right direction after like a 15 year dark period of PC Paralysis.