Surviving Barstool | New Episodes Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday 8PM ETTUNE IN

Little Avs Fan Wants A New Nathan MacKinnon Stick, Might Get A New Dad In The Process

Nathan MacKinnon's stick of choice is a CCM Ribcor Trigger 3D PMT. Those can run you anywhere from $249.99 to $339.99. Let's just assume that the Nate Dogg is using top of the line product here so we'll go with that $339.99 number. 

To a 12-year-old kid, that might as well be a million dollars. a 30-year-old blogger, that might as well be $999,999.99. So from a business standpoint this fella knows what he's doing. He understands the market trends, has a solid assessment of the value here, and drives a really strong bargain. You have to remember that it's the middle of February. Christmas is another 10 months away. There's a strong chance he doesn't have a birthday coming up anytime soon. There might not be a better chance for him to acquire a brand new stick at any point during this fiscal quarter. If he has to give out his mom's number to get his hands on that CCM Ribcor Trigger 3D PMT, then that's what he's willing to do. 

The only issue he'd have to worry about is buyer's remorse. Is the stick still going to be worth it when he walks downstairs in the morning and sees the Nate Dogg cooking eggs in his kitchen? Maybe yes, maybe no. But that's something for future him to deal with. For now the only thing on his mind is that CCM Ribcor Trigger 3D PMT. 
