Biz And Henrik Lundqvist Are The Musical Duo Of A Generation

Bob Marley once said "one good thing about music, when it hits you, you feel no pain"

It's impossible to listen to this performance by Biz and Hank and not be moved. Whether it moves you to tears of joy or tears of sadness makes no difference. No matter what the emotion is, it makes you feel. And that's really what we're missing in music today. There's no soul. There's no passion. There's no sorrow or heartbreak. It's just a bunch of children mumbling into a microphone and getting famous because they dyed their hair a whacky color. 

So when we need true artistry back the most, here come Biz and Hank to provide the world with enough emotion to knock you on your ass for the next 5-7 business days. Here's a live look at me listening to this performance. 

Now as beautiful as that song was, I feel like I need to say something real quick. And I don't mean this to be taken lightly. 

But fuck Henrik Lundqvist. 

I mean come on, dude. You're already one of the most ridiculously hot human beings on the planet. You put a guitar in anybody's hands and they instantly become like 5-7 times hotter. That's on average. Put a guitar in their hands and let them strum away on a nationally televised broadcast? That's gotta be at least 12 times hotter. If there's anybody out there who doesn't need to get hotter, it's Henrik Lundqvist. Not sure how anybody else is supposed to compete with that. 

P.S. -- Credit to Biz here. His voice is stuck right in the middle of being good enough that he could actually sound halfway decent, but bad enough that he needs to hit a few "I'm just joking around here" notes. It's a difficult spot to find yourself in. You don't want to sound like shit, but you also don't want to make it seem like you're trying too hard. I think he navigated that beautifully. 
