A Dust-Up Between The 49ers And Cowboys, Jerry Jones Storming The Field - The Brett Maher Yips Saga Is The Best Thing About The NFL Playoffs

Oh hell yes. I love all of this. Not just because I'm cheering for a horrific downfall in the playoffs again from the Cowboys. But because it's the kicker. Think about how many times we talk about Cowboys players throughout the years. Now we have a whole Brett Maher yips situation where Jerry Jones is coming onto the field to talk to him in warmups. You think Jerry Jones ever gave a shit about his kicker? Gonna go with no. 

Nothing like getting into your own head right before a playoff game. There's no chance Dak lets them kick a field goal. You just gotta go for it whenever it's 4th and manageable. No extra points. I mean, I'm cheering for them to kick, because, again, I want this drama to unfold. I want to see just how low it can get for Brett Maher. Sue me. 

I don't even know why the 49ers are trying to play mental games. You don't have to. Just let Brett Maher read the tweets. Just let him watch his field goals sail wide. If you want mental games, just read the tweets to him. It's not that hard. I'm sure Jerry Jones calmed all those nerves though. 

I need this game to be 28-27 after the Cowboys score with like 32 seconds to go and Maher misses an XP. Need it. The man makes Roberto Aguayo look clutch.