Joe Buck And Troy Aikman Seem Pretty Convinced That Tom Brady Will Play Football In 2023

Frank Micelotta. Shutterstock Images.

Joe Buck and Troy Aikman called the Buccaneers vs. Cowboys game and leading up to each broadcast they do a bunch of prep work on the teams and interview a bunch of key figures from both teams. After Tom Brady didn't look very Brady-esque on Monday Night Football, there are swirling questions about his future. He is a free agent and can choose to go wherever he wants, but will he keep playing? Buck and Aikman talked to Scott Van Pelt after the game to suggest that this wasn't the last time we see #12.

Where he goes remains to be seen. In my mind, I'd view his list of potential suitors (in no particular order) as:

- Tennessee

- San Franscisco

- Las Vegas

- NY Jets

- Tampa Bay

- Miami

Where will he choose? It's far too early to tell, but it sure sounds like it'll be somewhere…