Body Cam Footage Dropped Of OBJ Getting Kicked Off A Plane For Not Wearing A Seat Belt Or Pants And Acting Like An All Around Douchcanoe – Newly-released body camera footage shows the moments police officers escorted popular NFL player Odell Beckham Jr. off a plane at Miami International Airport in November.

The flight crew told officers they were concerned for Beckham’s safety after they attempted to wake him in order for him to fasten his seat belt, according to Miami-Dade police.

The captain had to return the plane back to the gate.

That Sunday morning after Thanksgiving, Beckham said he was sleeping hard, tired from traveling and told the crew he’d been clubbing.

This incident with OBJ originally happened back in November but the body cam footage just dropped and holy shit does the news report read like a rich asshole Mad Libs. 

The washed up NFL wide receiver was asked to leave the airplane in Miami because he wasn't wearing a seat belt or pants. When he was asked why, he said because he had a long few days of clubbing with his friends.

It's a long video but basically the crew on the flight out of Miami says they repeatedly tried to wake up OBJ to get him to put on his seatbelt. Despite multiple attempts, OBJ remained unresponsive and dismissive enough for them to call EMS and the police. On top of that he was apparently not wearing pants at some point and just sleeping in his boxers. 

Taking your shoes off on the plane is one thing but this is evil villain stuff. Just letting your kielbasa and swedish meatballs flop around in first class after a long night of clubbing?! That's just diabolical. 

That Sunday morning after Thanksgiving, Beckham said he was sleeping hard, tired from traveling and told the crew he’d been clubbing.

“Do you know how long it was taking him to put his seat belt on all night?” a flight attendant on the American Airlines flight to Los Angeles says to police in the video.

“I mean, you don’t want him to fly,” an officer says in the video. “That’s a decision that you guys are gonna have to make. Unfortunately, it’s not our decision.”

Just wake up and buckle the seatbelt. No one likes the seatbelt, but we all buckle it. It's completely useless and would in no way save you if the plane were to crash. In fact, it will probably cause more harm by trapping you in that burning metal tube. But the flight can't take off until you do, so insert the god damn metal end into the mother fucking buckle and let's get this show on the road.

Instead of conforming to societal norms, OBJ - a guy who probably has more money than everyone on the flight combined - decided he was above the rules of air travel and waved off the peasant flight attendants. And because of this he caused everyone who just suffered through a long weekend at their shitty in-law's house to suffer even further.

To officers, Beckham downplays the actions that prompted the captain to return to the gate and order him off the plane. He stays seated, learning his actions will force everyone else to deplane.

“We’re gonna have to deplane everybody on this plane and then you’re still gonna get off,” the officer said.

“That’s fine,” Beckham replied.

It’s not clear how Beckham wound up getting to LA, but all the other passengers did end up re-boarding and got off the ground two hours late.

Those poor bastards. They already overpaid to use a travel industry that is a tortuous shell of its former self. Now they have to deal with this petulant bleach-haired man baby too. I can't believe someone didn't take a swing at him.

One guy apparently had the nerve to even look OBJs way as he removed his bags from the overhead compartment. The nerve!

"Look at me all you want," OBJ says. "That shit does not make me feel bad." 

"I would never in my life get off the plane for you. Specifically you."

“That shit don’t mean nothing to me. You’re gonna wait 40 minutes and I’ll be on a private plane home with your fat ass.”


Of course this TikTok dancing tween stuck in a professional athlete's body went to social media to complain about the incident and his lawyer tried to paint him as the victim. - “The overzealous flight attendant refused to simply allow Mr. Beckham to fasten his seatbelt and proceed with the flight and instead immediately removed everyone from the plane. At no time was Mr Beckham disruptive or combative. He was willing to comply with the seatbelt requirement, but the flight attendant wanted to prove that he had the authority to have Mr. Beckham removed from the flight. The airline proceeded to send Mr. Beckham’s luggage to Los Angeles without him.

“This incident was completely unnecessary. Sleeping on a plane should not be a cause for removal from a flight. If they could wake him up when the flight returned to the gate, then they could have done the same thing and woken him up to ask him to put on his seatbelt.”


I don't know how anyone could watch that body cam footage and come away with any other opinion than OBJ is one of the worst humans on earth. Air travel is a miserable experience as is. Add in some has been athlete turned social media influencer flexing his money muscles and it might as well be eternal purgatory. 

If any team out there is need of a wide receiver with a paper mache knee and the attitude of a teenage girl pissed off because her dad won't let her go to the mall with her friends then OBJ is available. And good luck with that.